Monday 25 January 2010

Faithfulness of God

"Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God, God is faithful, who holds the contract and his steadfast love toward those who love Him and keep His commands, to the thousands of descendants," Deuteronomy 7 : 9

Our God is a faithful God. God is not faithful because we are faithful, but He is faithful because He is faithful. As human beings, such as in domestic life couple, sand may be loyal wife to her husband during her husband's loyalty to him. But when the husband is no longer faithfully then the wife will not be faithful. This is not the loyalty of our Lord; He remain faithful even though we are not faithful to Him.

2 Timothy 2:13 says this about our Lord: "if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He can not deny Himself."

We are a people chosen by God, therefore He will not forsake us. We are his favorite people. Our God is a faithful God (Hebrew: El HaNe'eman). In the midst of our problems though, God remains faithful.

"Because engkaulah a holy people unto the LORD thy God; engkaulah chosen by the LORD thy God, from every nation on earth to be his favorite people." Deuteronomy 7:6

Proved God's faithfulness in the way of the Lord take care of us.
God proved His faithfulness to the care of our problems, whether it is a problem then our present problems, even problems that will come though.

In Deuteronomy 7:1-11, the context of the Word of God this is when the Israelites under Pharaoh's rule. The people of Israel, let alone wanted to leave the land of Egypt, thought to it not! It seems very unlikely for the Israelites to freedom from Egypt. But we all know how it ends, through the faithfulness of God of Israel finally out and free from Egypt.

Let us never rely on our own strength. Our God is a faithful God, and He will prove to solve our problems. As believers, we do not have stress because of the problem.

Apart from that, loyalty to God can be seen in education and his teaching to us. As human beings we may have had many disappointing God, but not even God never disappointed us.

For example, Peter is already over and over again disappoint Jesus, but Jesus never once disappointed him.

Remember that passing the test in live then we will come out as pure gold.

The last, God's faithfulness is the basis for thanksgiving. For that, precisely at the problem we should be grateful because He is God the faithful.

"We know now, that God works in all things for good for those who love Him, to those who are called according to God's plan." Romans 8:28

As Christians, we have no reason to sulk. Have proven that our God is faithful God.

Pdt. Gilbert Lumoindong