Wednesday 9 December 2009

Trees Not Global Warming Solutions

What was once seen as a solution to the problem of CO2 emissions, the ability of trees to absorb carbon dioxide result of human activity (anthropogenic CO2), is being doubted "potency" as the phenomenon of global warming still happen.

A study over 20 years analyzing 30 points at the North Pole finds that the ability of trees to absorb CO2 continued to decline, whereas currently developing a campaign that says that by planting more trees the rate of climate change can be suppressed.

Carbon dioxide gas generated by human activity are absorbed by the trees and the sea, and then released in the days to come. But this is not the end of the carbon cycle.

As quoted from news sites environment, trees release CO2 saved him when he rot or decompose. This then raises the carbon cycle.

Higher temperatures due to climate change not only increases the rate of growth of trees and plants throughout the world, but also trigger excessive CO2 emissions. Tree then changed the role of absorbing CO2 into carbon gas producers through the usual process of decomposition occurs in the final season of growth.

Recent evidence gathered from all over the world shows that the early winter retreat from the usual place, while the summer came early. In the northern hemisphere of Earth, temperatures in spring and autumn rose by about 1.1 and 0.8 degrees Celsius over a period of about 2 decades. This means that the tree growth season long, and experts expect it to be a good thing for curb climate change.

Even the increase of trees on Earth can be seen from space, satellite images show that the greater the green area on the surface of the Earth from the previous period. However, recent data indicate that the pattern of thinking as too simplistic.

Approximately 30 observation points scattered in Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Europe examined levels of CO2 in the atmosphere layer. Studied not only CO2 during the process of photosynthesis but also the CO2 that is released trees and microbes during respiration.

The research team also focuses his research in the fall, a time when the changing role of forest carbon storage to producers of carbon. And it turned out, the tree mengurainya period came early in a year, in some places indicates the beginning of the period occurred several days earlier while in other places a few weeks earlier than usual.

The findings are consistent with previous research showing that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere are increasing much faster than earlier estimates - in other words the rate of climate change will continue to increase in the future.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), humans only have 8 years to prevent the worst effects of the coming climate change. But time and the scientific evidence of mankind should be used as a guide to action, and no other words the solution is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce CO2 emissions.
