Tuesday 1 December 2009

Universal Access and Human Rights (World AIDS Day)

Immunodefiency Acquired Syndrome or more commonly known as AIDS is immunitas cellular deficiency or decrease body's immune system by the HIV virus.

It is characterized by opportunistic infections fatal malignancy.

The emergence of this syndrome are closely related to reduced immune substances that the process occurs gradually around 5-10 years.

Data notes that people with HIV / AIDS from year to year and region growing jangkaunnya too broad.

The most frightening, there is no cure or vaccine that can prevent or treat the disease of HIV / AIDS.

These concerns led to empathy than most people in the world to commemorate the December 1 as the world AIDS day.

More than two decades the world community was commemorating the day of AIDS since declared on December 1, 1988.

World AIDS Day was first coined by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter in August 1987.

Bunn and Netter vote on December 1, 1988 because the belief that time is a good time to launch a program to obtain broad coverage of the western media.

Since then, the world always commemorates the date of December 1 as the day of AIDS.

What about the number and distribution of HIV / AIDS in Surabaya? third quarter of money.

The number of people living with HIV / AIDS by health agencies Surabaya has spread to all districts in Surabaya.

The spread of HIV / AIDS in Surabaya most common in industrial areas and ports.

From 31 districts in Surabaya, none of the sterile districts of this virus.

Until June 2009, recorded the number of people living with HIV 142 people, while 192 people infected by AIDS.

This data is the data recorded by the health department Surabaya City Government, is believed there are many number of people living with HIV / AIDS is not detected.

The reluctance to seek treatment and report to the HIV / AIDS in Surabaya in Indonesia in particular and generally do not escape the stigma of society will this disease.

Society still has the assumption that HIV / AIDS is a disease of dirty and the curse of God.

The stigma attached to it already affects an unfair treatment for people with HIV / AIDS.

World AIDS Day celebration in 2009 to continue the theme of last year is Stop AIDS-Fulfill Promise, with a sub theme of Universal Access and human rights.

With this sub-theme, world AIDS day commemoration in fact reminded again to all parties that people living with HIV / AIDS have the right to obtain justice.

Human rights for people with AIDS is a human right inherent in every human being from birth and is valid for life.

Society must get the correct explanation of the stigma of this side.

But do not forget, many people with HIV / AIDS who have a normal life patterns that are far from a deviant lifestyle and unhealthy.

The spread of HIV can also be through the use of transmission parenral needles that have been contaminated.

Risk of contracting this way is quite small less than 1%. In addition to transmission through blood transfusion 90%. Namely transmission from pregnant mothers to HIV-positive children have a risk of 50%.

For the 3 groups HIV / AIDS patients like this, so do not judge the public deserves and negative stamp, they were unwittingly infected.

Surabaya community and local government must remain uphold the rights of people living with HIV / AIDS, without exception.

First personal rights. His form in the form of a right to express opinion freely, the right freely to choose and is active in certain organizations and the arms and the right freely choose according to religious beliefs.

Both political rights in the field of HIV / AIDS patients should not be held hostage right to participate in government.

The right to vote and to be elected in a general election and the right to establish political parties should not be prevented.

The third is the field of human rights law, namely the right to equal and equal before the law and government, and the right to become civil servants.

Fourth is the economic rights. HIV / AIDS patients have the freedom to get a decent job, do business and purchase and sale transactions and other economic rights.

Fifth is the judicial rights. For people with HIV / AIDS have equal rights and treatment before the law.

And the latter social and cultural rights. All people with HIV / AIDS have the right to determine, select and get an education, get the right instruction and cultural development according to their talents and interests.

The six human rights must be obtained by all persons with HIV / AIDS. Once again there is no logical reason to justify deskrimanasi against HIV / AIDS.

Their rights as human beings continue to be respected without discrimination.

source: inilah.com